Hi friends,
I am writing this review for the benefit of all those people who may be thinking of buying a reliance mobile.
This is a real experience endured by one of my friends who made the mistake of subscribing to reliance infocomms service.
This friend, a fellow female mba student was receiving obscene calls and smss from other reliance customers from all over the country. She spend more than 2 months going to reliance infocoms office in nashik and later in pune [ aundh and F.C road].
For the first few times she was assured that the problem would be sorted out soon. Then she was told that the problem could not be solved as you must have given the number to all these people who are calling u [ imagine !!! why would a person distribute her reliance cell no all over the country????].
Anyways the reliance imbeciles are totally bereft of reason or a brain for that matter. So 3 months later she gets the final reply that the problem cannot be solved. Period.
The obscene msgs and calls contine, reliance ppl find out from their database who all harassing her but they dont disclose and say they cant do anything about it [ she has written proof of the complaint that she made at the aundh-pune office]
Now the icing on the cake. Surfing the services in r-world one day she found that there is a facility of delisting from the reliance directory. Every single customers name, address and phone no are displayed here [ so lots of girls may be getting harassed methinks ]. She dislisted her name - sms and calls reduce in no.
one problem solved [ 3 months later and no help from reliance infocomm customer service]
Then she gets a bill of abt 5000. She asked for certain clarification [abt roaming charges etc which were never answered]
She is promised that on paying 2000, her cell will be reactivated.
She paid 2000 rs, 3 days later cell is still no reactivated. No incoming/ outgoing calls/sms.
Repeated visits to the office. Answer 2 hrs main ho jayega madam
3 days later. *333 customer service - answer given is mam u have to pay the full amount
This is the biggest lie from them till date - why did u promise reactivation on 2000 rs if it was not to be done ??????
And readers, trust me reliance staff largely has no idea of what all service are available. They do not know how to talk to cutomers.
So if anyone is even remotely thinking of buying reliance, DONT !!!!!!!