I cant find out whats the use of this sim? its mereless.i didnt find any positive side of it.Its because I am using this jio and I felt in a great trouble because of this.My best friend Ajay Maity was admitted in the kothari medical hospital.He is suffering from dengue now.I use to call him everyday thrice and to be very honest 15 times calling him by phone results in a call.The network coverage is very bad.I use to call him on imo, an app for video chat purpose but to my very surprise I have to suffer a lot of harrasment from it.So its not jio.No, it cant be.I had to run to my friend to know about his health.Then whats the use of using this sim? its not trust worthy for me anymore.With due respect I would request the authority in charge of this jio to check out the network coverage.Thank you