Joi is one of the most trusted Company who introduce 4g in india. If we talk abt technology jio provide letest technology in india. It helps people to introduce internet. Now people learn the uses of internet even iliterate people also learn the uses of internet. It also helps india in degitizarion provide free services for trial periods. If we talk abt network jio provide good networ service in city area but problem is still in rural area. Intially there is also call drop issue in city area but company work on it. Jio net speed is depend upon the area. Sometime we got good speed and sometime is less but overall is good. Jio is also comitt to us provide chipest services rather than other provider. We hope it fullfill it commitment. But it is true jio bring lots of changes in telecommunication their rivals always want to beat jio. We can see healthy compitation in telecommunication now. At last use jio bindass.