First of all, I want to say thank you very much to the owner of jio company because today because of these, every person has a phone with 4G network speed and has got SIM.
today, reliance jio is leaving behind all telecom companies and is doing a very good job in the networking sector and people are also very much liked.
It is just a few weeks ago news that reliance jio reduced its 90 day offer to 399 rupees by 70 days, but still it is very good with all the Telecom companies.
Im very happy with the service of reliance 4G, which gets 1 GB daily, after downloading and after browsing, keep downloading and buffeting but it is not so in other Telecom company and the biggest thing is that reliance jio 4G is available in free of SIM market.
Reliance jio 4G network has become very big in the case of other networks.