Thanks , jio nice start . Even though every corner of India is on jios network due to free registration , but the public demand is not so full filled , due to jio not availability 4g phones for earlier purchased phones. The sim are for those who have a range of 4G band. Sorry for those who were on their 3G Hand set. But some 3G handsets are working on VOLTE network. Congo to them. This start can cheap the tariff rate of other telecom operators.
Vast rate of millions costumers are increasing day to day to avail the unlimited facilitiy for three months. i.e till 31st december 2016. Some people change their 3G smart phone to 4G VOLTE Series. This 4G access facilities is through out the INDIA. Millions of people get maximum benfit to acess the rapid internet through out india.
Then also some people are not able to get acess the JIO operator, and those who are in rural areas . The tower sevice is quite low in that rural areas so the villagers are unalble to acess the jio internet.
So I request the telecom operators pls facilate the tower immidiately for the villagers, so that they can enjoy the 4 g sevice .