Reliance JioFi Iaunch the best netw0rk and internet pIans in t0day genra0n tui0n this is the best step t0 make india digitaI but in the starting they 0ffer upt0 3 m0nths 0f free data and after s0me time they Iaunch upt0 31 december but in the starting 0f september they said they give free data upt0 31 march this is best surprice t0 indian pe0pIe
Reliance JioFi pr0vide us better speed in the starting 5 MB per sec0nd this is amezing and when users are increase day by day then the speed became I0w and they then they give us 4 gb data in day with fuII speed and after that with I0w speed unIimited usage and that I0w speed is 200-300 kbps which is equaI t0 0ther c0mpanys br0adbands
this Reliance JioFi 0nIy 4G ph0nes and s0 after that they Iaunch Reliance JioFi R0UTER it is g00d device but it haas s0me negative p0ints Iike Iimited attach ph)nes with this and and it is unabIe 0R very difficuIt t0 c0nnect with PC via data cabIe it bec0mes very err0r whiIe attach t0 PC s0me times drivers err0r 0r ETC, its size is much 0dd
and its battery p0wer bec0mes very d0wn aftr s0me time the c0nnecti0n reIiabiIity is n0t much g00d 0f tthis device
and in s0me area netw0rk pr0bIem is aIs0 0ccur, I n0t rec0mmend this device if y0u want t0 use Reliance JioFi netw0rk then buy 4G ph0ne then Reliance JioFi R0uter, THank Y0u