Network is good in this phone no issue with this. But I have the main issue the is no wifi hotspot there is a new micromax bharat 1 phone they give you same phone with wifi hotspot and dual sim function phone only 2200rs so now I think I waste my 1700rs. 1500rs for phone and 200rs for recharge for one month.
When I got this phone I try to video call with this phone to my samsung phone but the is something wrong and the call was disconnect than I call to the costumer care so they told me owr them resolve this issue in 48 hours but they do noting so find out the issue my self if the jio chat app is not install in your both phones so cant make video call with it so basically this phone is not support full volte features.
Micromax bharat 1 gives all the necessary features with in 2200 and bsnl offer 97rs unlimited calling and internet with this phone and you also put your jio sim with this phone so I think jio phone is very expensive.