I was one of the many taken in by the publicity hype of reliance. When I bought it I was given to understand that I can use it all over the state i.e. AP and can make a call for 40 ps per minute from and to any where in the state. Now if I cross the city limits it is useless piece in my pocket and if I travel within Andhra also, till the time I reach my destination the instrument is a piece of junk albeit an elegant expensive one, with me. As far as customer care is concerned less said the better. *333 is simply inaccessible and is perpetually engaged. All that the outlet can tell you is only how to buy and nothing more. They doneven have a telephone number to contact the local office. I am now trying to get rid of the junk and possibly contain losses. And internet connectivity is another big drama the company played on the public.Most of the time internet is inaccessible. I dont understand why we paid so much money that too in advance. I feel I have been taken for a ride and cheated by the company.