I hv taken reliance mobile. I thonk it is most cunning company I hv ever seen. It is asking Rs.1200/- for USB cable itself shows their greediness. It must not cost more than Rs. 100/-. The handset is imported by reliance in Buld but still charging a huge price to us. I think Ambanis now want to become Bill gates by charging & looting the poor indian people. They hv many hidden charges. This sunday I was in Mumbai and tried to activate my roaming but got the SMS of activation after I left Mumbai. I was lucky that I hd other mobile with me. They hv the worst service in the trade. They r behaving like monopoly. Their staff also dont care for the customers. Yes, they hv too because they think their bose is Bill gates of India & they can get away with anything.
Bu sure to get a proper number while taking delivery of the handset. the staff promises u the world while booking but delivers nothing. There is nothing u can do as all is verbal. They hv security staff if u speak loudly or argue. It is like going to Dawood ebrahims den. I hvnt seen security staff interfering in normal discussion anywhere in the world. They dont understand the luanguage of decent people getting annoyed and the goondas. for them all r the same. Hence if u hv self respect keep reliance away.