These guys are treating the market as a monopoly and we as consumers need to strongly resist that..
They have been shifting their stance every now and then..When I first enquired, I was told there was a choice between LG and Samsung handsets...When I decided to book, they said that due to inability to predict demand, they have standardized on only one set, from LG - It speaks volumes of the planning capabilities of this pioneer co, when they were not able to plan for this.
I accepted this - Next I went ahead and chose the complete payment option with the color instrument. I was told that color instruments will be delivered only in Apr. However, in the interim Reliance will be giving the mono instrument and exchanging the same once the color instruments arrive. This was acceptable to me.
The very next day, I was told my application cannot be accepted, since they have now withdrawn this scheme. I will now have to choose to go with the mono or wait till Apr for the color!
This co. keeps shifting its stance and offering like nobodys business! This shift shows nothing but lack of planning and total lack of sensitivity towards the customer.
All this stuff about kabhi mobile kabhi computer and kar lo duniya mutti mein is all crap meant to play on the emotions of us gullible indians.
Say no to this kind of monopoly!