Hi guys,
i am a chennaiite,
i got my reliance india mobile few days ago, the moment I received , my reaction was waaaw
it was amazing
ive got something interesting to tell you
reliance has promised to give roaming which is gonna kill gsm players
the concept goes like this;
let us consider that uve got your mobile in chennai
so it is your home town
now, u are leaving to mumbai for some reason [say for a bussiness]
so the moment you reach mumbai
you dial *228 or *333
so your mobile gets reactivated and you get a temporary number, so as long as u are there, you have 2 mobile numbers, 1 a temporary and 2 a permanent,
now your friends dial for you from chennai , they dont know that you are in mumbai , but the reliance switches know where you are, so they will forward the calls to the permanent number to the temporary number, so it is a local call for them
anyway your incoming is gonna be free!
the 2nd concept is
for these many days your relatives in mumbai would make a std call to you when u were in chennai,
but now you can give u r temporary number to your relatives in mumbai so that it is a local call for them
since u have reactivated in mumbai , the whole maharastra is a local call for u
the third concept is now if u have to call to your home town[chennai] it is a std
the moment u reach chennai
u can reactivate to restore ur original permanent number.
isnt it cool
so go reliance mobile tday
thanks for ur patience to read mine