Hi all,
This is my second review this time I am going to share my experience about Reliance India Mobile with you.
I was very impressed with the DAPO offer, but was reluctant to take the mobile as the roaming they were providing was not legal at that time , but after the Unified licensing, I was not ready to wait more and moreover as I wanted to go for the DAPO plan which was going to close by 31st JAN so I went straightway to the web-world and bought one by paying Rs.21900 a Samsung color camera phone, that was the beginning of my trouble just after few days of purchase I called them up to know my unbilled usage first they said that you will get that after some day and then after some day they informed me that my address is not verified and advice me go to the Web world and submit the address proof once again (Although address verification has already been done at my address within two days fo purchase)
And from then my endless calls and visit to Web world does not yields me any result, although during those visits to the Web world sometimes I feel pity on those Customer Care employee who has to bear all anger of the public for the mistake for which they are not involved in any way sometime the heat generated out of that conversation results into a call to police also. After seeing all these I feel that my decision to go for reliance was wrong but still I didnt loose the faith. But here I would like to give some information to our friends so that they can evaluate these things before for RIM.
1.Mind you that DAPO Plan is no more available for new subscription so if you wanted to go for the reliance just for that plan then my advice to you just drop the plan of buying Reliance and better opt for any other GSM operator.
2.Dont carried away by the big-big posters of RIM mentioning STD @ 40Paise mind you that offer is no more available for the new subscription, and for the old one also it is available only in the DAPO plan and to the call made to any CDMA mobile within INDIA for the first 400 minutes, of total call duration in a month, so during that if you are making call to any GSM or Fixed line only 40paise per minute will be reduced from the actual tariff, and you will be using those 400 minutes.
This is the only plus point I found durin the last 2 month I feel this is the Area which is doing Good for the Reliance , but in this Area also their Intentions are not clear because whenever we ask more they only say it is up to 31st of March, I don?t know what next after that??
This is major area of concern for the Customer also and for the Service provider also, but when I talked to one of the Employee he accepted that there was lot of flaws in the billing software but from December 2003 they have replaced with the new one and that seems to be working fine.
This is a Area where they are strong in context of number of state they are covering they are next only to BSNL and still increasing their Network, so we can have some good news in this front.
This is the feature using which one can access Internet using Data cable but again mind it is better to go to a Internet cafe rather than going for this service it is chargable a monthly rental of Rs200 will be charged apart from that if you are having DAPO offer you have to pay 40paise per min and for the other plan you have to pay more in the end you will end-up paying RS.24-60 (Depending on your plan) + monthly rental.....so think before connecting to the net.
Finally I advice you all who are planning to buy the one please wait for some more time probably till April and weight all the above point with your statistics then decide whether it really suits your requirement.
As for me I am still not totally disappointed.