I recently moved to Mumbai and took Reliance GSM after I was flattered by the amazing plans they had offered and so I took it.
When I reached my office in Powaii, I found that there was just one place on the whole floor where I could talk properly and that was next to my Managers seat. whilst my team mates and friends using Vodafone talked freely wherever they wanted from even in elevators.where Reliance would simply die.
thn I came back home(mulund) and it still didnt work. I stay on top floor so had expected best n/w but got like 1-2 bands coming on my cell.frequent call drops resulted in adverse conversation ends and eventually took me to breakup with my GF who thought I was ignoring her but disconnecting her calls abruptly.
Thn the real test came.I was headed for Pune via mumbai-pune expresshighway one place where my erstwhile cellular operator(airtel) gave seamless n/w(even inside tunnels) but reliance went dead.n/w would dip from full n/w to barely a signal band.
My suggestion to every1 is not to go for reliance GSM(I am not sure about CDMA n/w) unless they improvise on n/w because at the end of the day we need to talk and if thats not happening then no point keeping a cheap call plan.