Hi friends,
Id like to share my experience using RIM.
I got RIM under monsoon hungama in october and I have to pay Rs.469 per month minimum(inclusive of service tax) as I use budget 149 offer.Fortunately, i didnt encounter any wrong billing:)
Let me admit that I am a supporter of CDMA.That coz it offers superior call clarity, data reliability, efficient use of spectrum and it requires less investment than GSM, which inturn leads to lower tariffs.
I chose Reliance coz it offers roaming( I dont roam frequently.So, this is ok for me).Now, with central govt clearing the decks for reliance, i hope it offers seamless roaming soon.Otherwise, I would have chosen Tata indicom which has the lowest tariffs.As Tata indicom may also offer roaming, competition will be sky high and may(or rather must)lead to drop in call charges.
After many people on MS rated reliance as the worst, i thought why not take a shot at the most written about(even in mouthshut) mobile service.
Another reason for opting reliance is R-WORLD.I agree that ringtones are not good, but other features make it worthwhile.
Now, coming to my experiences, call quality is very bad when the signal is low(i.e only one or two towers shown on the phone).Otherwise, I never experienced any glitches.
R-world is up most of the times and is satisfactory.However, some features are not accessible and down for most of the times(like rsurf etc).The phone provided by them is good but the battery is average.Features in the phone are a mixed bag.
Billing wasnt faulty in my case though I have heard lotta wrong billing cases.However, it is very late, causing enough discomfort to me.
So, I would term my experience as fortunate and satisfactory though I would like to see drop in call charges with Tataindicom offering roaming facility too.
But many people are severly upset with reliance coz most of the people made use of monsoon hungama offer to misuse the phone and are getting bills in the tune of thousands. Now, as reliance is using arm twisting tactics like cutting power lines in mumbai, employing local gangsters, factionists etc to get bills sorted out, its image will be severly dented.Also most of the people are severly upset saying network is bad.Comeon, how many of u had an experience of a GSM phone in the first six months of the service providers setup with no competition? Reliance service is far better.
I agree if u say they are monopolistic and are cheating people with their hidden costs.But, I dont agree if u give u a bad review straight away..use atleast for couple of months and just give ur review.And mind you most of the people may think that I am a reliance employee....for supporting reliance...i am just being truthful..its unfortunate I have to say this on supporting some product..it is because of the propaganda going on mouthshut..
Hoping that I shall get good rating..:)