Reliance has become Un-reliable. Operator does not have the curtesy to caution about submission of identity documents(Which I had already submitted atleast 3 times before, last one being15 days ago, after which they had unblocked) In spite of submitting to Reliance Web World, Borivali(W), theyt have the audacity to block my Cell(both incoming and outgoing).
Reliance Web World reports that they have sent to the back office. Where has the documents gone???? The call center is not very helpful either (in fact one call center gals advises to change the service provider. I have taken this advice and obtained Bharti Airtel No.). I had this NO. for the last 5 years, Initially they provided free surfing(which was the reason I opted for Reliance), then they made a daily surfing plan, last I know they charged as per the Bytes downloaded, which was exorbitant (I stopped surfing but kept the No.). Now I feel it is good riddance to bad rubbish.