I would like to share few of my observations. Have you observed your phone displaying the call duration? As soon as the phone is connected and starts ringing, the call duration starts. Hence, the total duration of the call time is not the duration you talk. It starts from the time of ringing itself!!. Well, it does not happen always. I think the programmers are too clever to confuse us successfully. I kept a track of my local calls and I am sure, it always exceeds than the real usage minutes.
They also keep moving our billing cycle from time to time. For example, my billing cycle was from 3rd to 2nd of every month, which they changed as 15th to 14th since April. In that month, I got the bill for more than 30 days and they carefully increased the rent and all other fees but the free calls remained 400 only. Since it was more than 30 days, I need to pay excess for the calls above 400 minutes. If they can increase rent for excess number of days, why not free calls too? When I asked the same question on help line, I got a useless response and finally asked me to contact their web-world. Unfortunately I am still not able to do that with my own hectic schedules.
Another horrible thing is R-connect service. They started with free internet service when they offered DAP offer and now they are charging monthly rental too. There is no proof for the usage details. Every time I am seeing that the usage is far excess than what they bill. Finally I unsubscribed the service. In that month, I had hardly used it for one week and I got the usage minutes as high as any other previous months!!! It is obvious that they have designed their billing system to make the user to lose the free calls.
Fortunately my SMS service is free. Dear friends, please keep an eye on this if your tariff is charging for SMS. I am getting the number of SMS sent by many folds higher. I do send lots of SMS but how I can send 2500+ sms in one month!!?
With the new updated roaming scheme, we get same number throughout the roaming area. However, the earlier method of assigning a new number had many advantages too. When we stay at a new place for few weeks, it is so thoughtful to have a local number so that people in that area need not spend STD rates to contact.
Am I really unhappy with Reliance? No, they are far better compared to other GSM services. Obviously, the connection has pros side too. If you are calling another Reliance number, WLL or GSM which is long distance, it is very economical. Apart from all other reasons, I think we should support the company of our own nation. I am really happy with the service and connection. I never faced congestion and signal problem. If only Reliance changes its gestures and avoid the cheating, I would respect and love to use the service in its true sense.
What would be my dream connection?
Same plan as DAP!!
Detailed billing of usage including local calls
Free R-connect services for viewing bills, paying bills and other bill related queries
Upgrade of handset at a reasonable cost. I am sure it hardly costs them when they buy it in bulk from the manufacturers.
Reliance.... hello.... can you hear me...?