After reading the review on Reliance India Mobile by Contech, I think these mobile companies fool public the same way, as a fisherman fools the fish by releasing a bait.
The public is told that the mobile phones are available at very nominal rates, unaware of the costly schemes laid for each mobile.
It is quite shameful that such reputed companies have such discourteous employees who use abusive language, the moment the wanted customer is not available at home.
Actually, the Reliance phones had such smart schemes, right from the time, they were brought into the market, wherein they show that the mobile is available at Rs. 501, though you have to pay additional installments in 36 months.
Lured by the mere amount of Rs. 501, there have been cases wherein people have been receiving expensive bills for the phones they never used.
I, therefore prefer to use Prepaid mobiles rather than the Billing ones, since the Billing ones, usually create problems that the dissatisfied customer had to face.
It?s a matter of surprise to know that if you want to disconnect the phone, you have to pay money.
I really feel that the catchphrase of Reliance Mobiles should be: ?Karlo Duniya ka maal mutthi mein?