Before a previous review I had dropped one on where I had said Big Open Frauds, and Reliance belongs to the same league
Every one cant be TATA
As there is a slogan for Sony...Its Sony!...Same I feel for TATA..Its TATA, but coming upto Reliance I will again exclaim the same slogan...Its Reliance, yes but the hidden word here would be beware, stay away!
Reliance has a history of unethical business. A Thug Hierarchy
Very few of us know that how much dirty this group is. I list some of their crimes here which I know:
1) They are parallel government: It is well said the budgets and rules were formed on the directives of Ambanis.
2) Rise of Dhirubhai was nothing but sale purchase of moral of government employees, from a peon to Prime Minister!
3) They were involved in the defence scam and every confidential content was available to them on their wish. No case against them servives as the government has to servive(Dogs?)
4) ONGC find out a petro reservoir in Panna region.
It was a big finding. Government of India calmly without any knowledge Gifted oil gas fields of this region to Reliance. ONGC protested a lot but government stood shamelessly. Later the Singh committie found the Government gulity and biased towards Reliance. He was tortured to hell and CBI was used against him to the degree that he resigned from the position. He was in 1970s IAS batch with 100% clean track record! This case happend just 7/8 months ago.
5) Reliance industry setup near Solapur: A unique story of fight by Zeenat.
Reliance group got this eco friendly region where the Parsis have developed orachrds forests and made the region rich in vegetation. This land was not supposed to be alloted for Industrial purpose but governemtn did the favor to Relaince. Massive destruction of forests and water happened. The region has become heavily polluted. Zenat is a Parsi who fought against the Relaince. She was stripped of all NGO supports including financial. Thanks to the judiciary here. She won the case against Relaicne and few days back court asked Reliance to assess and leave the place with some penality too.
6) Last but not Least:
Reliance Infocom: I was among the first customers to get reliance mobile when it was launched. I am(was) a Pioneer customer. Three years of this company has sucked a lot of my mental energy and money. false bills, open betrayal from the USPs told and promises..many things. They kept on taking the money from my bank account using my PDCs as well as they asked for amount through the recovery officers. For the same service Iwas made to pay twice.
The staffs at Reliance web world and customer care: They are nothing but a sort of misguiding and misbehaving agency put under an official roof. I complained about the things repeatedly for 6 months. They kept on giving assurance, and everytime taxing me. Later they became so much indesciplined in handling the matter.
The Torture Level
I was charged and forced to pay money twice for the same service. False Bills.
Voice services charges and sometimes unknown kind of charges were put. When not payed they put interest over these false charges too! They chopped off my STD service without intimating me. To this date I have not been returned back the money which I had paid as a deposit amount for STD service neither the amount has been adjusted. Recovery officer came and gave all promises even on my last bill he wrote no dues on bill and told me services will be ready from tomorrow. The tomorrow never came! Yes I made many visits to webworld and CC..nothing happened. My money was gone for a service which should not be paid!
Already poor network and breaking voice problem was with the set. The Battery life is much shorter than it should be..2 years instead of three.
If you are using Reliance as your provider, be a ruthless customer to them. Just think they are goons who have opened the shop to loot you. USe the mobiles ruthlessly. Use the postpaid schemes. Make the most of calls. Dont pay even a single penny and finally when they disconnect your services, get your mobile converted into some other handset !
Same time my friends with TATA indicome are still happy with the service and they did not find any problem.
The TATA ethics is just opposite of Relaince. My dad had asked me to get TATA instead of Reliance. Today I feel why he asked so! TATA trusts India, Relaince rusts India
Reliance is a shame on Indian Governance and Business. They are among the biggest cheaters present in the business community. It is very painful to see that these big frauds are respected peoples. This company should be blown away with massive law suits for practising unethical business. Where is the people force to strip them in dust?