Part III
The call center has closed my logged complain, without informing me. And now they dont have access to the reliance bills of July, so they cant log another complain for me. The only option that I have is to go to web world. From my previous experience even at the web world, they dont do anything except for trying to contact the *333.
So taking dhirubhai ka sapna, sabka maal apna.... these are the worst buggers that u can ever come across. Just imagine doing to a customer who has more than 3.5 yrs of association.
Another scrupolous trick ... they charge the monthly rental in advance... one of the first post paid plan am seeing which does so.
Part II
Here is an update from my front. You guys might hv read the initial story, if not its in the bottom of this review.
Now its time for Dhirubhais Dream Plan Part II :)
The problem after umpteenth number of escalations, till date has not been solved. It has been 4 months now
Reliance call center says - they hv escalated and they can not do anything further. So its up to the backend office to respond. If asked about the back ends office number .... well that they can not give.
They keep harassing me - by barring my outgoing calls from time to time. Even now its barred.
All these things are happening when I hv been a customer with reliance for over 3.5 yrs and my credit limit is 6k+
The frustrating aspect of this scenario is - they dont respect the customers and harass them to their limits. I have finally decided to change my service provider.
Part I
Actually I have been a reliance customer for last 3 years - Dhiruambani Pioneer Offer, And my usage is quite high 2000+ each month. Recently I went for a plan change after realising that call rates have come down quite a lot. They did the plan change to 399 Re1 but added some hidden cost like 100 rs for ( Other Plan Charges ) , which I was not aware of.
As I was Pioneer member for a long time - they offered me a different scheme 399 but had for Rs 100+ call free. I talked to the reliance call center guy, asked for the change. Initially he argued that 2000 will be levied for plan change, but I argued with their Team Lead and they finally agreed on doing it for free.
Now the story starts, one fine day I get a sms that their is some 1000 rs outstanding, and next they are going to disconnect the outgoing if I dont pay it. I called up their call center, and they started the same crap again - that plan change charge has been levied and I am supposed to pay. NOW this is a big INTEGRITY issue with Reliance. SO I blasted that guy and at the same time have filed the complaint with them. Those guys are supposed to get back to me and revert the charges.
ANother big problem was - they charge one month advance rental, so when I changed my plan they have not adjusted the advance rental money. Now this is again an integrity problem. And I feel so cheated that I want to drag them to consumer court. If any one of you, know how to do it, please do let me know. I really want to get them to consumer court for this. They are literally cheating us.