Im not kidding, but theres a strong influence of some shakespearean works and the service of Reliance India mobile. Go ahead and read the rest of it, youll understand.
Julius Caesar
On that day in February, as I walked near the Reliance store, someone screamed - Beware the Ides of March!I ignored it, and now here I am - stabbed by the Reliance treachery of messed up bills, lousy service, and fat bills that are bleeding me to death.
Comedy of Errors
Heck! Going for this mobile service was a damn comedy and the error of a lifetime. The bills are hilarious (I get RCONNECT charges, even though the bill nowhere says for what Im getting charged, and the Webworld guys dont have a clue and the customer service is one big error by itself), and heres a comic experience. They disconnected my service because I hadnt paid (fair enough, I was travelling.) So I paid up and expected my connection to be reinstated. No chance! I had to go the nearest webworld, prove I had paid, take a trouble-ticket number, call up the customer service, give the ticket number, and then get connected. Now if I can be disconnected because miraculously the billing department came to know I hadnt paid - cant I be connected back?!! defies logic. Obviously 2+2=4 in one direction, but 2+2 !=4 in the other direction for reliance retards. And oh. the reliance webworld bill section is a circus with screaming, hollering, upset customers.
A pound of flesh! I dint hear the reliance sales man hissing. Now that I have their service, theyre extracting their pound of flesh, or more correctly, a wad of cash and peace of my mind. Everytime I call their customer release I want to tear my hair out.
I can go on. But you get the point.
a) Fraudulent, incorrect billing - and very painful to get it rectified.You
cant believe a company that talks of next generation telecom service has such poor support systems.
b) Absolutely pathetic customer care. The WORST of any agency I have ever
experienced - in India or abroad.
c) Hidden charges - never, NEVER go by their advertisements. You realize whats
hit you once you get the bills. Be careful and look at hidden charges.
At the end of it, I admit that I am an idiot in need of therapy. However, heres my suggestion to reliance (my 5 commandments)
Do not cheat on they customers by false billing
Thou shalt employ LITERATE people in thy billing department
Thou shalt employ PEOPLE in thy management, and not monkeys
Thou shalt improve thy network
Thou shalt tell thy customer care that there are other sentences in english language except go to the nearest web world sir
I had 2 reliance phones - for me and wife. I got rid of one, Ill get rid of the other. I have Airtel now and am so happy with the service and customer care.
Be wise, unlike me - dont go for this service, atleast now.