Dear friends,
Its with pain in heart that I wish to tell you that I started with being a great Reliance fan, respecting their business growth etc. but now, I realize how hollow and pathetic this company is. Enjoy below the story of how the reality dawned:
I make the big blunder of paying 21000 in advance to take up the hyped up Dheerubai Ambani Pioneer offer. The unit comes in late and they convince me that its because of the demand. My awe and respect for the company remained unflinched.
The unit worked fine, connections were pretty ok. Technology was also fantastic. Roaming had major hicups in the beginning, which I guess they fixed now.
A few months went by, I didnt receive any bills, and their promise of giving call-by-call information was all hollow. I checked with them, no response, and was finaly told that it will come up soon, and they are having some setup issues. I am still a reliance fan.
6 months goes by, still no bills, suddenly STD facility that I had opted for and paid vanishes. I speak to the customer care, he says you need to go and speak to the webworld. I do that, dig up my original receipts etc, and show them, and finaly after two visits its reactivated again. I am no longer a reliance fan, feel like just another customer.
1 year goes by, suddenly my unit goes kaput. No incoming, no outgoing, nothing works. I call up customer care, they say that since you have just bought the unit, you have to activate it, he says his records do not show that I have taken the offer one year ago, but it says one month ago! I go to the webworld again and resubmit all the documents to activate my account again. The Webworld guys are cursing Reliance almost more than I am! I begin to get the feeling this whole reliance stuff is a bluff.
All of a sudden STD is activated again. I make possibly one call on STD and a month and a half later STD is deactivated again. God alone knows whats up.
The first bill comes! Yaaahoooo! But wait. its billed upto 4000/- with numbers that I have never seen and STD calls to places I have never visited. The webworld and other billing centers are a scenario of major fights regarding recidulous billing. Some elderly gentleman there tells me.You know.they lost money because lot of people like Rikshawalas in Bombay have taken it, used it and not paid anything. so all this billing nonsense is to cover those losses up I am fuming. this company has made one of its fans feel like a donkey.
The billing corrections are still not made, I decline to pay till the bills are corrected. almost 2 years after my taking the connection, the mobile is disconnected saying that bills are not payed.
I have no trust left in this company, but I do have self respect left. I will not pay cooked up bills and will pay only the bill that I should pay. And I will defenitely warn all my friends(and enemies too) to keep away from this company and all its products.
Yours heartbrokenly,
*UPDATE on MARCH 15 2005:
-Reliance has the audacity to call me up and tell me that as per their records, I have not paid the original amount of 21000 when joining 2 years back. They have sent some ruffian home for getting the money who pretends to understand nothing about the billing attrocities and just says 10000 Rs. is due from me.
PEOPLE. I think its time to take some action! All people harassed by and who could potentially be harassed by this company need to get together and sue Reliance Info Comm and show the world the reality about this ugly Reliance audacity! I am looking for some consumer forum where we can join up and blast them. Please let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions.
* UPDATE on Nov 2014:
A person I know closely, did not heed to my advice and bought the reliance dongle for internet connection. After about 1 year, even after the account was closed, dongle was handed back and all pending bill amount paid, the bills continued to be sent!
The person was obviously upset and spoke to reliance customer care, who promised everything will be fixed, the extra few months of bill had to also be paid. The person paid that, and guess what happened, the bills continued to come! As if that was not enough, a lawyers notice was sent saying there is money pending to be paid.
Well done Reliance, we know how reliable you are now - companies like you put our country to shame by your spinelessness. What saddens me is while the rest of the economy in the country is growing, these companies continue with their GOONDA GIRI. *