As long as it works, it OK. But if there is some problem, I don’t thing there is any one in reliance who knows how to solve it and there is no process to track the problem.
I have applied for the connection in march and till date have not recevied the handset. I have called Customer Care atleast 30 times and each time I have been told that someone will call back ’’very shortly’’ or ’’we are working on your complain and it will be solved very shortly’’. But none of it has happened.
Later, I was requested get in touch with local office for it (100% government style). Local office had no idea about solution toproblem. Asked me to come after 3 days. But still no solution (Just like ’’Office Office’’ serial in SAB TV).
Whenever I call Customer Care, I get different reason and solution.
Finally I decided to opt out of the scheme and have requested by refund. It is 5 day and no one has called back to confirm the cancellation. Someone was supposed to call me back from reliance in 2 days.
I strongly suggest people, to stay away from Reliance till they bring the process in place. Right now they have NO PROCESS defined, NO CUSTOMER CARE, NO TIMELINES, NO CLEAR IDEA as to what is happening.
Friends, avoid it for time being.
Reliance has taken customer for granted.
(First Review)
I was just wondering if there is any deadline or timeframe attached to any Reliance service.
I will like to draw attention to few points :
1 ) Reliance says :: Once application is submitted, handset will be delivered in 3 weeks time.
Fact :: I have applied in March end and have not received handset till now.
2 ) Reliance Says :: All Customer complained are responded in 24 hours (Thats what is mentioned on Reliance site and Mr. Sukla (Head) of Reliance Info is
telling all TV channels).
FACT :: I have not received any call back from Reliance for my complain on 21 April, 24 April, 1 May, 4 May even though I was assured that someone from reliance will call be very shortly.
3 ) Reliance Says :: All Customer complained are responded in 24 hours (Thats what is mentioned on Reliance site and Mr. Sukla of Reliance Info is telling all TV channels).
FACT :: Customer Care people ask for one week time to look into problem. Either Mr. Sukla (of Reliance Infocom) is not giving proper info or Customer care people are not acting fast.
4 ) Reliance Says :: On 1 May, Reliance Customer care person says full service will start in a city inRajasthan in next one week. On 7 May, again it is
said that service will start in next one week.
FACT :: One week in Reliance means 15 days or they are misleading the public or no one in reliance have any idea about what is happening.
5 ) Reliance Says :: On 20 April, Reliance Customer care person says Billing will start on 1 April and customer will be able to know the bill status by call *333. On 7 May, again it is said that service will start in next one week.
FACT :: One week in Reliance means 15 days or they are misleading the public or no one in reliance have any idea about what is happening or there Billing System is crashing.
Conclusion :: Reliance has failed to keep most of his deadline and commitment. Has worst Customer Care Depeartment. No one has any idea as to what is happening and when the things will start moving smootly. Showing on o-professional behaviour.
My View :: Cheapest doesnot mean it will be hit. Till they start caring for customer, they will not succeed. And in last one month of using a Reliance phone and making call to Reliance customer care, I am sure that Reliance has NO INTENSION to improve customer care. Till Reliance deliver what they promised , I ahev doubt about its success. I am of the view that they will fail in this area. They are giving Cheap STD rate and also CHEAPNESS in customer care and after sale servce.
Down with Reliance.
Its high time, Reliance act smart and deliver the services promised and fast.