I dont now how but I was having a gut feeling from the very beggining that this is going to happen
reliance india mobile has failed the same big way as it was launched
sms not working only u can send sms and relinace people then send it in the form of e mail to other providers and for the service providers who dont support e mail interface its not working
problem in recieving incoming from other cell
no out going to other cell
and worst of all now a lot of providers have made incoming absolutely free
and all would be free after 1 st april
so all my dear friends who have blocked their hard earned money, i am very sorry for you all
also a lot of people have reported a new kind of problen that the phone they are providing gets heated up after talking for 10 min.
till now reliance india mobile had failed to lure indian community
and so it should
sorry mr ambani I think you probably failed this time
so I think reliance india mobile