Try TRAI till you succeed
Reliance did launch its service knowingly or unknowingly before TRAI made its IUC (Interconnection Usage Charge) Regime mandatory for all. That is the only reason
why it gained a tremendous response in its initial days where in they filled in
subscribers in a so called no apparent exit plan. After the launch of IUC,
Rates of Reliance who initially boasted of a 15 second pulse and calls @ 40
paise to all phones in the state where RIM is present, flared up like anything
going up to Rs 3.99 per minute against the initial 40 paise.
All of them felt Reliance breached the contract but Reliance had a sweet answer to this. They attributed Everything to the TRAI and pointed out that very small line at the bottom of there brochure. Tariffs subject to approval of TRAI
Now the real misconduct comes here TATA who launched its services around 10 months after Reliance uses the same technology CDMA 2001x (WLL), is in the same code of conduct (IUC) as Reliance but still provides all the features promised by Reliance which Reliance doesnt. The current pricing of local Calls shown below will make the whole picture clear.
Table of Local Call Pricing Comparison source Reliance DAPO TATA Economy scheme
Local Call Rates Rs. (per pulse)- - - - - - - - - - - Pulse
Calls to____Reliance ____ TATA ____ Reliance ____ TATA
Landline - - - 1.00 - - - - - - - 0.20 - - - - - 60 sec - - - - 15 sec
WLL - - - - - - -0.40 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - - - - 60 sec - - - - 15 sec
GSM - - - - - - -1.20 - - - - - - - 0.20 - - - - - 60 sec - - - - 60 sec
The above pricing clearly shows that though Reliance promised a 15 seconds pulse its TATA who is giving it, though Reliance promised the cheapest call 10 paise per 15 seconds (Dhirubhais Dream call cheaper than a post card) its TATA who is giving it 15
paise per 15 seconds, etc., etc.
Its ridiculous that when TRAI can approve the above rates of TATA why has it not given the same treatment to Reliance (TRAI was talked to be a friend of Reliance remember the Pramod Mahajan rumors) and if Reliance is getting the same facilities as TATA why is it not passing on to its Customers?
Another thing is that how did Reliance forget Dhirubhais Dream (Call cheaper than a postcard - The Emotional Dias on which Reliance stands supported by us) even for a Reliance to Reliance call and why the hell TATA is fulfilling that dream for them.
If at all TRAI has not approved the old rates of Reliance, The only thing Reliance can do is to Try TRAI till it Succeeds. After all my ultimate goal in life is fulfilling Mere Papa ka Sapna whats yours?
Some Websites for Reliance Users
Reliance Indiamobile Users Association
(Worth Joining)