I purchased Reliance India Mobile Phone in the Buy one get One free offer for 501. But later I regretted my decesion. That was due to high monthly bills on both the phones. Even if you dont use it you have to pay a minimum of Rs.500 each month. But it has changed now. I now migrated to the prepaid plan and now I feel that my decision to buy it was great.
The reason for this is quite obvious. If I buy RIM prepaid now I have to shell out Rs 3500 for LG2030. But Now I have got it almost free. Even If you take the amount paid towards the phone in the bills I still save Rs.2000 on each phone.
So I recommend the postpaid customers to migrate to prepaid to have control over the bills And moreover the Incoming rate during ins cheapeast in RIM Pre-Paid. Just Rs.1.79 per minute. The coverage is wide you are connected where ever you go.