I was a reliance customer 4 yrs ago.. I left it due to its unethical business practice..till now the same is still exist .
if you take a review of other big players you ll find---they are having bad customer care, bad network...etc..but you will not find much review like reliance-which is deducting balance with some rubbish reason. yes I m telling you 99.9% of reliance complain are related to balance deduction.
Its not that they not good software to do all trasactions, , , but they have made the software in such a way that they can loot the customers flowlessly..yes ...if you can think this way then imagine how fraud they are..
Mr Ambani its not the business you want to loot Indians..i know you have that much amount of looted money..that you can live like a prince if Reliance band will be closed..but at least ..try to value the thoughts of these easy beliving indians..plz dont loot man....if you want to arrest me for this post(like many recent incidents)...by any act..arrest me...i ll not stop till you lose customers and people stop blving you..
My request to all mobile users...stay with any big players like airtel, vodafone, idea...which ever suits you..but dont think about reliance...it was a fraud 4 yrs bfr, today also, and ll stay tomorow..