At last Reliance India Mobile has activated fro DEMO all the dealers are got there cute hand sets.
Now almost all public knows about the Reliance Dhirubhai Ambani Pioneer Offer I dont want to go in depth about the scheme.
Reliance market analysis has done properly there is only offer for the existing handset openers can exchange there sets with BSNL ISD calls Talk time Rs. 7, 200/ how many customers need ISD calls, other then this Reliance should give some discount in there tariff plans.
Rs. 3000/ Upfront payment for one-time club membership, this is non refundalble deposit, why this what the customer will get benfit with this membership.
Cities connected to Reliance list is not having with any Reliance service centres ( I called Hyderabad office and send request email to Mumbai Head office - No response)
Reliance should set up at least min. 5 office should open in cities like Hyderabad.
There is no clear information about the DHRUBHAI AMBANI PIONEER OFFER when it closes ??
If this offer close no body allow to go for Reliance mobile.
It is not like that some thing is coming freely !! and it close !!
if we are not booking now !!!
we are not missing any thing !!
SO wait and see !!!!