The services of reilance is found and proved to be very bad. firstly the word FREE could not be u/stood by all and started to use whereever possible & got shocked after the receipt of their bills. the pulse rate is another fizzy thing. no choice for handset. no offer of old handsets. more details can be obtained from REMOVA [reliance mobile victims association] this is based in hyderabad being orgainised by the following:
k.gopalakrishna - president 04033567999
dvs prasad - vice president 040 33567080
dr.rajyalakshmi - general secretary
k.sai kumar - treasurer
if interested pl check this site regularly. this association is working not against any individual or any one. this is only to see that the company rectifies its services good. most of the promises of the company could not be fulfilled at the expected level. especially sms services and interconnectivity problems.
dt: august 13, 2003
the latest development:
the following is the latest development happened on the above subject. on the invitation from the reliance hyderabad decision makers, the executive members of the above association had met reliance people on 12.08.2003 at 18:30 hrs. the committee headed by major genl.a.r.kumar from reliance had chaired the meeting. the company officials were found to be very co-operative and nice. they understood the points focused by the association members. he has instructed his colleagues to note down and promised to resolve the issues which are falling under his purview. certain points like the change in the pulse rate which will be taken care by trai. certain major changes like billing pattern will be referred to their corporate office for their concurrence. the association members were also felt happy on when certain points like refund of std deposits etc.,
we now request all the victims / sufferers to approach their respective area of reliance officials for resolving the issues.
the association will also meet if the issues are not solved as promised by the reliance officials.
dt: 31.12.2003
REMOVA is delighted to see so many responses of all kinds through this [] I am personally thankful to this site. through this network [may be] reliance is improving the services of late. as regarding to the billing pattern, we are very seriously thinking what course of action is to be taken. of course we had a detailed discussions on this quite recently and their promise is ........... guess?
we are working on this & we will improve. we also request thorouth this site that any suggesstions on their billing pattern are welcome. please send your suggestions on this for betterment. readers are requested to mention their RIM no. while positing their suggestions for any feedback and they are also welcome to contact the above named persons at any time.
dvs prasad
040 33567080
latest developments: dated: 27 th january 2004 REMOVA has conducted a meeting on the request of the citizens of Vijayawada of andhra pradesh on Jan. 26th, 2004. this was widely notified in all leading news papers. nearly 150 victims / users of RIM have attended. they have a common problem i.e., the billing manner and the despatch of bills. most of the grievances have been referred to the AP HO of RIM. the meeting was chaired by its President Mr. K.Gopalakrishna and the Vice President Mr. DVS Prasad. REMOVA is being pressed by several citizens of other metro states to come and start in their own place. through this wonderful site, it is very humbly request all the citizens of INDIA, that REMOVA is confined to AP because of its administrative constraints and at present may not be possible to move out of AP. we hope, the readers / members of this to understand our difficulty and co-op. however, REMOVA is planning to rename as MOBILE USERS ASSOCIATION OF INDIA, thereby every one can be put in to one umbrella [it is learnt that Reliance is also going to have 10 digit no. alike ohter mobile]. once it is through, the present REMOVA has to make tours to all places of India for collecting various users problems. then certainly, we require every ones co-op as the present committee is not enough to dash against the Godzillas. till then, REMOVA requests the citizens of the metros to have their own FORM. the citizens of delhi have approached us for the assistance as they are filing a case in delhi civil court and REMOVA has answered in the same way as mentioned above. readers can contact Commander [Rtd.] S.R.Das for any details in this regard, who is bearing the torch on this context. he can be contacted at 0124 2385303. it is requested to all the members who are posting their views on Reliance to mention their RIM No. and their e-mail id at the end of their views. without fail.
bye for now and
thanking you all especially mouthshut for keeping us nearer & nearer.
dvs prasad
040 33567080