First of all letus salute RELIANCE INDIA MOBILE for getting the telecom market revolutionised.
I have been the customer for so called RIM for the last few months now. Switching over to reliance will be beneficial only if most of the outgoing calls one makes land on to RIM. RIM undoubtedly is the cheapest among the competitors and the best deal for starters.
Let us touch some areas:
Hutch and AirTel are far more professional.
Almost the same RIM is slightly better money saver though RIM also has some hidden charges, after the free minutes gets over one will have to shell out Rs. 1.90 (otherwise 40 paise) RIM to RIM.
Roaming comes out cheaper in RIM. If a person provisioned for Delhi is in Mumbai, all calls landing on him from MUMBAI will be treated as local calls.
Bills are taking there own time, but no extra charge for bill breakup being sent.
LG/Samsung handset does gets heated up at times. Not good for people who talk for long. absolutely no choice of phones other than Samsung/LG. Competitors like TATA provision any CDMA phone.
Voice quality:
RIM to RIM it is voice quality is the best otherwise it is the very poor.
The billing plans are slightly better than its competitors , but most of then include initial down payment.
Free Services:
By far the best ...... nice ring tones, movie clips, games, which can be downloaded.
One can get connected to yahoo messenger , check mails , etc. over and above good internet speed. Internet connectivity is OK.