I have applied for and obtained the DAPO subscription on 3rd march 2003 and sent them a mail on the following day seeking clarification on tariff. They responded in piecemeal and finally replied clearly that the intra-circle std call to RIM phones and other landlines/CDMA phones are free. Circle being defined as the entire state except UP. However they sent me a bill for Rs.451/- under the heading of interconnect charges. The visit to webworlds was to no avail. Similar is the case with the month of April 2003 where they have communicated one rate and billed as per their will & fancy. email to their Chairmans elicited a reply after more than one month and which contained no substance of value. Most of you might have seen the colorful banners and pamphlets exhorting the cusomer to call national and pay local. It is also unforgettable that they have advertised about the 15 seconds pulse rate and 10 paisa call charges. All the promises have vanished into thin air. Despite several emails seeking to know if they had the approval of TRAI to make the announcement, there had been no response whatsoever. From the steep upward revision in tariff from the very first month when they started commercial service proves that they have lured the gullible customers into a well laid trap committing them to three years of bondage or loose Rs.3000 + Rs40*(36 - no. of months used). The greatest shock is yet in store. I am using the LG RD2030 instrument. It has a feature called call alert which is a signal that the number dialled is accessible. The time timer starts at the moment. Followed by a few seconds (about five) of silence you get to hear the other phone ringing. The called party may or may not respond but the timer keeps ticking faithfully. And you get a bill for the call whether or not the called party responds. And even if the call does mature, you will pay for the duration of time between the call alert and the time the called party lifts the phone. If the called party lifts the phone after a conservative estimate of three rings, your call time is inflated by as much as 15 seconds. So practically you are billed one call more every time you use. You can check it up by making a call to mobile phone which will be shown in your bill
Joke of the century though very costly The customers are required to pay a quarterly advance charge of 1800Rs per month including Rs160 for 400 minutes of outgoing calls. Now to use that money you have paid, you should necesarily use the service fro 400 minutes every month as they are giving a credit of 40 piasa per call. I fail to understand as to what law provides them with this authority.
Internet. When you connect to the net, it is obvious that you will ot keep jumping to URLs. That is to say that there will be some time when there will be no data sent or received. The instrument displays dormancy after every 15 seconds or so when there is no data transfer. Again when data transfer is required, you have made another call for no fault of yours.
R-world. It was said to be free or with great discount for DAPO subscribers which is not the case now. In any case I was never able to use the most popular WAP enabled website Yahoo.com since the time I bought the instrument.
R-Connect. They have spoken of highly fascinating speed and now state that they cannot guarantee a minimum speed let alone 115000kbps promised. The data cable which is now available on bazee for less than 400 rs has been sold at 1200/-.
Instrument neither given free nor is it yours. The Rs. 10, 500 MRP instrument is neither free (as it is collected by the company in Rs 3000/- non-refundable club membership, some privilege @100 per month or some other form) nor is it your own since you are barred from taking service from another provider.
So before new customers decide on getting connected to this service, I sincerely suggest that they make thorough enquiry
Beware of the Roaming facility Though its unbeleiveable, the bill sent for the month of Nov 2003 includes charges for all incoming calls despite the fact that neither me nor the telephone has left my residence. It is not a mere statement that I am making. I should appreciate the audacity of the Compnay in sending such a detailed bill. On 16/11, I am supposed to have recd. an incoming calls at 11.48.48 and 22.27.14. in warangal and I am also supposed to have made two outgoing calls on the same day at 12.43.41 and 22.29.05. I am sure it is almost impossible to travel between hyderabad and warangal within one hour except under curfew and a very fast private conveyance. And it is a joke if somebody says that you can travel between the two places in less than two minutes. My email to the Chairmans Office recd a response by way of a telephone call and a promise of reply. Even after a reminder, there is no reply.
R-Connect Charges For 311 calls (an insane number in itself as nobody will disconnect and connect so many times) they have charged Rs173/- and again for 329 calls in another month they have charged 121/- which defies all logic and common sense more so because the R-Connect chatges are a fisxed 40 paisa per minute.