This is the Story of My Exp. with Reliance Money:
This is the Email Reply I gave to them Today:
I am no longer Interested in any Services from Reliance . . . .I have had enough Bad Experience from Reliance.
Please refer to the Complaint I have Lodged against you . . . . .I am no longer Interested in any account from you . . . .
Earlier Email
Thanks for sending complaint your complaint details as follows
Title: Demat Account
Complaint ID: 25577
Complaint Details:
I had applied for a Demat account( Application Number 0000688449) in the
1st Week of January with my Wifes Name . Its been more than a Month and I have got no Update( I was promised that I will get the account in 1 Week because I wanted to apply
for Reliance Power IPO).
2 weeks Back I was able to reach Reliance Money Customer Care for 1st time
and was Updated that our Check has Got Cleared and we should have got the
account in 3 Days . She said that I will be getting an Update soon . The
Local Branch( Pitam pura Delhi) I had applied through is even more
pathetic they never pick up the phone and Diconnects if they pick anytime
I am really really Dissatisfied with the Service I have called Numerous
time(Over STD) to your Cust care and Its always Busy and I was able to
get through only once . If this is your response now God helps, when I
will need you for any Urgent task .
Please refund the amount of Rs 750 /- as I am no longer interested in
availing this kind of Service. . . .
I had sent 1st Email explaining the Issue to the:,,
on 31st Jan 2008 . . . .
again I sent an reminder Email on Feb 02 explaining the Issue to:
and as explained above I had spoke with Customer Care on this issue last
month and they had registered a Compliant and no Response till now . . . .
I want the Company and People involved to be sevearly Penalised . . . .
This is not at all acceptable in matters of Money /Finance . . . .
P.S: There is another address of RELIANCE SECURITIES LIMITED:
2nd Floor 570 Rectifier House, Naigaum Cross Road, Next to Royal
Industrial Estate Wadala(W)
Consequences: I was not able to apply for IPO and could not Purchase
Equity when the Market was down . . . . This is Loss to me as I wanted the
Demat account so that I can Invest the Money . . . .Who will take the
Responsibility . . . .Realinace Money?
The CORE Team
On Feb 12, 2008 10:38 AM, wrote:
Dear Customer,
This is with reference to your query to Customer support enquiring about your application status.
We would like to inform that your application has been approved and your account is now activated.
Please note that we have also dispatched your welcome kit at your correspondence address in case the welcome kit is not received by you within ten working days please call us on Customer support desk.
For any further assistance please call us on 3988 6000 or write to us at
Yours sincerely,
Customer Support