I became a new customer for India Bulls(DH26399) purely on the following terms
1) No acconut opening charges
2) Brokerage 10 Paise on delivery
When the account opened I got the charges for Rs 900 for account opening while till date I am told the same would be reversed, but different officials are making different statements and asking for more business. Even the Chief Manager is involved
Further I was made tp trade into options which I was never intimated about charges and on asking for details they never provided. I was only made to learn that when I received a contract note. Imade a profit of Rs 3000 and got a bill for brokerage for Rs 4000. Some officials committed that we will get the charges reverse and nothing happened till date
Also the brokerage what was committed to be 10 Pase was charged at 50 Paise and no resolutino has been povided. I shooted numerous mails to the helpdesk and they also neevr revert
Further I am also, aking a loss of Rs 14000 on dealing in options purely on the advice of the relationship manager wit assured gurantee of making profit, but now the relationship managers are asking me to sell the product at loss as they would make their charges at the time I will sell the products. so this shows the team is only willing to inflate their trade volumes and innocent customer sufferes they wont mind
can anyone help me on this a I will never recommend such dealings