I have faced lot of problems in Customer Service of Reliance Money.
No reply to queries.
NO Explanations for charges.
Error in Protfolio.
Un Authorized transactions.
Frequent Disconnect
Limited Banks for Online Fund Transfer
Delay in Fund Withdrawal
Outdated Soft ware
Instant Trading works only with Microsoft Virtual Machine not with Java
Worst part NO replies for Emails send to Customer Service
On 30.08.2007 Reliance Money has sold most of the shares I have purchased on 27.08.2007. But still their Statement dated 31.08.2007 shows these sold Shares also.
If any body have idea to whom should I complaint about the un authorized transactions
Send several emails to customer care try to contact their numbers no reply for last 35 days
Even mails to customer service is getting delay due to different services . So how can they give better service?
See the proof from postmaster@reliancemoney.com
To: ops@reliancemoney.com
Subject: Re: DP Bill for March 2007
Your message has been enqueued and undeliverable for 1 day
to the following recipients:
Recipient address: customer.support@reliancemoney.co.in
Reason: unable to deliver this message after 1 day
Delivery attempt history for your mail:
Thu, 04 Oct 2007 17:44:26 +0530 (IST)
TCP active open: Failed connect() Error: Connection timed out
Please Help ME.