Reliance Money is Cheap as dirt and easy to operate. The charges are very low as compared to other accounts as you dont have to pay any broking charge for selling or buying of shares. You can choose from Montly to yearly plans which gives you freedom to operate on your own will.
The customer service is also quick. Though there were some hiccups initially when I joined, the site has somewhat stabilized over months. One of the biggest problem is the lack of Portfolio services which is avalibale anywhere. Though I found that a trial was done for few days, which was really nice as there was so much details about your protfolio.
Hence, believe it should be live in near future. It is very secured also, as you get a PIN generator with the account which means you can double protect your account. There are news that Reliance is coming up with addtional facilities which would be available for the members very soon. And from past experience, I am sure it will not disappoint us it clearly wants to be the number one in the game.In nut shell, one can go for it if you want basic service at cheapest rates.