Finally I am glad to say I experienced Worst and worst of all products.
Yes Reliance money is a big cheater. I am pity on all reliance money customers like me.
I postponed 10 times to post a review on mouth shut regarding Reliance money and yes today they tested my patience.
Let me summrize some nice issues and so called customer service meant solutions.
1) after opening an account I forgot the bloody name but I am on some platform. I used the same for 10 days suddenly one day I am unable to login? I called customer service.Ha Surprisingly I am upgraded to a different platform but with out my concern? Idiotic reply
2) My demat account is linked with Citbank and the new platform dont have link with citibank(I mean to say when I click payin its showing me blank(no information?) I tried tried 10 days and finally called customer service so called stupids replied me they dont have tie-up with citibank latesly.
3) Good they restored some how citibank(saved bank and me) I felt comfortable with it for 2 months suddenly from yesterday I am unable to process throught citibank and response there is(some browser settings fault). They might have clearly mention sorry we took again divorce with citbank instaed of that its showing as browser settings fault.again called sutomer service and asked why such a bumpy rides for me? they told its for you only sir all other case is fine.(idiots I am customer I dont bother others case I bother about my services which you promise). you have to check terms and conditions.? yes they can print in terms & conditons some thing like this(BEAWARE YOU ARE GOING TO BE ON BUMBY RIDE)
ANIL AMBANI can deserve doctorate in cheating. I salute you ANIL AMBANI. You are spoiling yours father name succesfully.
Final note: Stock market is subject to changes and fluctuations dangerously so we need a strong platform to trade it dont go for reilance money they wont inform new changes to us and chages are very drastic and very cost attractive.I done 1.2 lakhs of trading with Reliance money and I can say I lost around 10k due to this idots
1) Unable to invest when stock is very low
2) suddenly unable to purchase Tax saving MF for this current fiscal year.
Finally I should mention there password system password will change every 15 days so we need to change our mind every 15 days(2 sets of passwords+ security token) its very difficult for customer itself to loging forget about phising