I applied for an account with Reliance Money on the 4th of January and till date I am yet to recive a call(leave alone the kit) from the company. You try to reach the Support on 39886000, your calls are not responded. Funniest part is in the IVR dial "1" to open a new account your call gets answered within 2 rings, but dial "2" you keep waiting.
I thought I would enter the market as this is the right time, but I am unable to do so as I have not applied for any other DP since RMoney promised a plan which was least expensive and would be ready within 15 days. But now I realised my mistake.
Even a e-mail to the grievence cell(customer.grievance@reliancemoney.co.in) has not yielded any response, they dont even have the courtesy to acknowledge the e-mail.
I suggest any prospective investors to restrain from opening an account with Reliance Money, but yes you can buy the Reliance stocks:-)
N. Patil