Reliance Money is doing lots frauds in accounts. Please check you ledger frequently. If your card limit expires, it will allow you for trading and after few months (1-6) suddenly they will debit your account for brokerage charges. This brokerage amount is very high.
You will not get any response from customer care/ branch for your queries. They are increasing the AMC and brokerages & they deduct money without the any information of the customer. Weather you trade or not you have to pay them Rs.1000/- every two months. AMC is 200(yearly +tax).
Overall They have gone away with initial schemes which was just to small and middle class investors/customers. As a summary it is a big fraud with investors, somehow to open the account initially and letter increase the charges without any prior information. Small and middle class investors will not check their account daily. hence reliance is taking the full advantages of making the money by this way. Daily 1000’s of people are closing account with them. IN CASE YOU HAVE ACCOUNT WITH THEM CHECK YOUR LEDGER FOR ANY SUCH FRAUD.According to reliance it is not a fraud, they mentioned all the details on their portal, SO IFYOU WANT TO BE SAFE , READ RELIANCE PORTAL DAILY FOR ANY CHANGES IN RELIANCE POLICES