I live in Pune. I wanted a fast and reliable wireless broadband service at an affordable price. My options were BSNL EVDO, Rel NetConnect BB+, and Tata Photon(something).
BSNL EVDO:(As you might know these people dont offer telephonic service. They are mostly unreachable and the info for sure isnt available!) So I went to their main office where I was told that the modem device was out of stock and I should enquire in 10 days. Later, I enquired again.and now they told me that Ill have to fill a form(may be pay as well) and wait for almost 2 months to get the modem.
Tata Photon: They dont have the faster(upto 3.1Mbps) product offering in Pune as per their call centre.
Rel NC BB+: My friend is using this and my patience ran out so I rushed in for buying this product despite it being higher in cost than bsnl evdo.
I visited their Rel store/world.but was told that the offer I wanted(which was on rcom.co.in) didnt exist. I called their call centre number and was told that it did exist. The following day I got many calls from their agents and managed to bargain on price, to 3300 inr(mrp= 3500).
I bought the modem(remem to get the bill etc, cuz I forgot.) and filled form on Monday; gave pan and LL electricity bill xerox as documents. They kept on telling me that its activated in 12hrs and max being 72hrs. On Tuesday night I enquired if it was activated.they said buy info wasnt in their system. On wednesday the agent called me back saying that passport/driving license xerox was required. I argued but gave that doc on Wed. Now they call me on Friday and say as I am a bachelor Ill have to pay 500 inr as deposit. I told them that they didnt tell me this before and I will not do it.later they say to give 250.later he said hell reinitiate the verify process with my status as living with family.(.their verify process is like call in morning(dont go and chk residence) and in evening ask/tell the same details saying that agent verified in the location/residence.)
I dont know what theyll come up with next.but I wanted to give this info asap.to all.
So, Ill finally say look for other options if you can.:)
After 8-10 days of calls and wait, came the 2nd verification call and this time it finally got activated.
Max b/w or speed I get is around 1Mbps, but the speed varies all the time.
Now the lack of info doesnt stop there.I had to clarify/ask for the first months data limit and billing date etc.
They gave me a wrong bill for the second month stating lower free data usage limits, but the plan name mentioned on the bill was correct. I complained but have had no resolution so far and its been 1 month, which exceeds their much stated 48 hours deadline.
Also, I know other people who are really not satisfied by this conn and now they cant get rid of it as well(as they have bought the modem device).
Finally I have converted it to a pre-paid conn. it costs 3k for 18gb/6months. but if I could I will surely like a refund and get rid of this device.
Finally I am terminating my post paid Netconnect connection and again Reliance people are delaying things unnecessarily; this is typical with the ADAG group I suppose. I am sure if this was Vodafone connection it would have been done and dusted with within a week. But Reliance people told that they will suspend the services in 7 days and after paying the dues my termination request will complete within 15 days. Now 10 days have gone I have received 3 calls for asking the same question over and over again - why do I want to terminate the connection and then they suggest some(unwanted) plans as a solution! I asked the customer care the status of my request and as usual I am shocked to know that now they are saying that termination will take 15 days and no time limit given to complete the termination process. So, I will re-iterate that no one buys anything from ADAG and hope that soon the day comes when ADAG employees are ADAGs only customers!