I purchased the reliance netconnect broadband about six months back . For the first month I was very happy , I loved the fast speed and loved the connectivity and they have never been a problem till date the problematic area was the billing. I was very dissatisfied with the service and billing of reliance but the connection never failed me in speed and connectivity so I continued. The system I was told had some glitches and now is fine I didnt believe it till I saw it and now I am very very happy with the Reliance Netconnect as even the billing problem has been sorted out and there is no further problem.
I love the speed and am addicted to it to be frank.This is a but that you will not regret and will fall in love with . If you are looking for speed and reliability in network I suggest Netconnect . I have traveled to a lot of places in India and have found good high speed network in most of the places and even in remote places I got a network ( not high speed ). SO if you are some one who travels then this product is perfect and will not give you a chance to complain. In fact before I bought this device I went to many network comparison sites and found out the facts and reliance network is far better than its competitors like tata and mts . I enjoy this freedom to be connected even when I am on the move .
I think after sorting out its billing issues Reliance Netconnect is definitely the best wireless internet service present. I am happy they have paid heed to the customer complaints and have improved where the had to ... Netconnect is fast and reliable.
Go for it