Dont buy reliance money back guarntee plan.
They cheat you by thier figures of money back
See how
Lets suppose you are investing 100000 per year premium for 10 years, n u will get payout by 15 yrs which executive tell you the following, with amount i hv mentioned.
Guarnted locality addition 262900
Guarnted maturity addition 131456
Maturity benifit 394350
Money back benifit at yr end 876375 which is a sum of 11 to 15 yrs money back benifit (1314564 +350550)
The last n imp is basic sum assured 876375
N then he tell you to add all these which u will get after 15 yrs which sum u around 25 lack rs
Now the catch is you dont get the basic sum assured because that is already being paid to u in form of money back benifits.
So executive will make u fool by adding this sum assured of 876375 which actually u dont get.
Actually u got only 16 lacks at end of 15 yrs by spending 10 lacks in premium.
So my advice is dont go fr any life insurance better way to invest money is FD which is safe.