I got a call from Mr. Manoj Pandey about Reliance Nippon life insurance policy. He represented himself as the relationship manager in this organisation and said that since he is directly calling from the company, I will get 30% commission every year against the policy purchase of 50000. Also, the same would get converted into EMI. Moreover, total maturity benefits will be around Rs 13 lacs after 15 years whereas I have to pay Rs 50000 for the next 10 years. He told me that it is a guaranteed money back plan along with mediclaim benefits. My parents will also get covered in this scheme and every year a renewed amount of 4 lacs can be used for mediclaim benefits. This was also confirmed when I called Reliance Nippon life insurance company. However, after they sold me the policy, there is no point of EMI or commission and now Reliance is telling me that this policy is just term life plan and I cant get my money back.
Before this fraud was revealed, he sold me one more policy of Pnbmetlife (one or two agent from these companies are involved in these fraud schemes, who call from recorded landline numbers). This Pnbmetlife policy was sold to me on the context of loyalty addition money on my Reliance Nippon life insurance that I will receive after 90 days of this policy.
Now I am stuck with 2 policies and this person along with the other person, Mr. Amit Kaushik do not pick up my calls. I am an average salaried employee in India who has to manage home as well as himself. Please guys not down their number (706577xxxx, 850699xxxx). They will play in the name of your parents whom you wanted to see happy.
Issue is not with these bogus and fraud agents, issue is with those one or two people involved from the company end who confirm the fake promises and help these people. These people will never know the value of hard earned money. However, I have the saved recordings and will drag them to court if required. Please do not fall prey in their hands.