Dear Friend,
I too have similar problem. I mooved from Bangalore to Pune few months back. I am having reliance mobile connection. They have blocked Incoming and Outgoing calls to my mobile. Far 15 days when I call through other phone(Their customer care number never gets connected using your reliance CDMA mobile). I have spent Rs 500(Thru making calls and visitng their web world) to get my connection restored. They always give me some bulshit reason. They say within 72 hrs ur connection will be restored. But for past 15 days they have not done anything. I think this most idiot Mobile service provider in India/World. My suggesion to every body is do not jump into buying reliance connection. They are worst in the nature. They behave like govt organization. They do not care customers. They buy a handset in 500 and sale in India for 10000. Please Stop using/buying new Relaince mobile.