NEVER TRUST ANYBODY WHO SAYS THEY CAN OFFER U any mbps line on USB... UNTIL THEY SHOW U LIVE DEMO We are all misguided by the word ’’BROADBAND’’, the word literally means you have wider spectrum.....which means response is definate(may be slow)...
Cause it that usb devices has it self limit 1 mb(which they provide) here if you see the word here is broadband conection which differs from the dial up connection in the sense 1.that it is always connected. (but may not be efficient) 2.dedicated line(may be wireless)(limit to n/w congetion) 3.definate response.
4.speed varies on number of user/server availability(key player for markting/sales guy) for example u can not take remote connection/video streaming/data streaming in dialup...but in this connection eventhough speed is 32kbps(connection) & 0-22kpbs(actual) its capable of doing live streaming....which is most noticable.... I was cheated by them ....earlier but my purpose was streaming (remote connection) which was reasolved...even though I faced poor speed & super-low availability. I was doubt & I found it..thats y its called Reliance! so.. please not buy any USB stick either RELIANCE/TATA/HUTCH/IDEA....all are same