I am a reliance Wimax Broadband customer since 19th September 2007. It is very disheartening to say that ever since having taken a reliance wimax connection, I have been facing severe problems with either the Connection/Customer Service/Billing problems.
Please go through the experiences and Kindly provide this anxious reliance customer with a solution.19th September 2007:I had taken the connection on the 19th of September 2007. Within 5 days of getting the connection, on 24th of September, the Net connection went down.
24th September 2007 (Night):A customer complaint was logged on with the Help Desk. Complaint Number: 5598 2549. I was told over the phone that a technician would be sent to the house to look into the problem.
25th September 2007 (Night):
After having waited 24 hours after lodging the complaint, a subsequent call was made to find out the status of the complaint. The person attending the call informed that the server was down throughout india and that was the reason why our net connection was also done. He was unable to give an assurance as to when the connection would be restored but he did inform us that a reliance technician would be sent subsequently to the house to investigate as to what the problem was.
26th September 2007(Day/Night):
Still no technician came to the house. An email (which has been attached with this mail) was sent and the reply is also enclosed. Since the reply email stated that the complaint was in a solving status, a subsequent call was put across again on 26th Night to the customer care. Inspite of requesting the customer care help desk people to connect to their immediate supervisors (Since it has been more than 48 hours of having logged the complaint), the connection to the immediate supervisor was either put on hold or denied (Many calls were done to the customer care). The customer help desk spoken to were Sagar, Sachin.
26th September 2007 to 2nd October 2007: No technician visited the house to either look into the problem or provide us with insight into the problem as to why the net connection was down.
2nd October 2007 (Night): All of a sudden the Net connection started working.
When it comes to this particular complaint, I had asked the customer care person during the 26th September Conversation the following questions, but alas, no answers were provided:
1) Ideally, after having registered the complaint, the complaint is at the least supposed to be solved in 24/48 hours. But inspite of days passing by, NO effort was taken by the reliance people to solve the customers problem. Why?
2) Though the standard answer provided by the customer care helpdesk people was "A technician will be visiting your premises", NO one turned up for the above complaint no: xxxxxxxx . Is it because of lack of technical resources with Reliance Wimax service that a suitable technician could not be sent across to the customer to solve the problem?
3) The reason received by me towards unavailability of net was that the SERVER was down due to Upgrade being done throughout INDIA, and the complaints have been put in Queue. That the complaint will be solved shortly though time frame cannot be provided".
4) On asking the reliance help desk the address of the Nearest Service place, the answer received was "Dont worry, a technician will be sent across"
5) On requesting the helpdesk person to note down a complaint so at to take care of the billing adjustment (for the period that the net was down: which can be easily found out by the complaint open and closed status), the request was denied saying "such a complaint cannot be registered. It can be done only after you receive the bill. I was advised by the customer care person to call up again after the receipt of the bill for the cycle, and raise a new request for bill adjustment" My question is Isnt it the duty of the Reliance Wimax service to make the bill adjustment automatically for the period of Net unavailability? Why cause mental anguish to the customer by making him ring up the helpdesk again and again? Added to the trouble is the fact that 99% of the times, the TOLL Free no: 1-800-227773 is out of service, and the customer is being forced to make STD Call to Bombay at the number 022- 30337777 therby spending huge amount of money in an STD Call.
The whole process was a mental anguish for me to keep on calling up the help desk.
Post 2nd October, the NET Connection was working fine till 6th October.
6th October 2007: Net connection stops working. A new complaint is logged. Complaint No: XXXXXXXX The reason which was again provided to me was "A technician will be visiting the premises soon to check out the problem.
10th October 2007: Past 4days of having registered the new complaint xxxxxxxx. It was brought to our notice that our connection has been cut/suspended due to Non Payment of Bill. Such a reason was really shocking to us.
We explained to the customer care that the Bill due date was only 18th of October. So it couldnt have been possible for the connection to have been cut due to the reason"Non payment of bill". ON Providing the explaination, the customer care person gave us a new shock. He told that the connection has been cut due to Usage beyond the credit limit and the outstanding amount being 4000 and odd Rupees
Till now there is no connection and no resolution in sight to my problem