NEVER GO for Reliance Wimax. It is a night mare. I took it at that time, because a colleague gave me the contact no of the shop which gave him the connection. Also that found it was the cheapest in that "promised" speed range. And I referred it to a few friends too - they all disconnected it in 2-3 months! They would be cursing me just as I was cursing my colleague who suggested me this!
The speed was never close to what was promised and the response from the customer support that it was depended on the no of people using it at that time in the area and also the problem with the tall buildings in that area! But the WORST was when they suspended the connection, when I called the customer support - they said I generated a bill of Rs 75 K in 7 days! It was unbelievable. I asked them for an itemised bill or something - which I never got. They keep on telling me their billing is perfect and they have all the details which they never sent me!
Their collection department kept on harassing me for the money with their non-stop calls and their customer support kept on directing me to different people who promised to send me the bill details but which never happened!
It was most depressing and irritating.
Finally some how I got the contact no of their ombudsperson who put me on a call conf with their billing dept who promised to look into it. After another month of non-stop follow-up they waived the bill. I asked them to cancel my connection and to suspend my connection until they do so. I never even dared to use it after that - Finally I paid what the billing guy had asked me to pay earlier - the rental for the 4 months(for a connection which I had only used 7 days!)
The funniest thing happened when another bill got generated for Rs 15 K! when I never used it and had asked them to keep it under suspension! I just stopped responding. One guy came to my place and collected the equipment and I stopped responding calls from their collections. Later I found that my other few friends had the same billing issue where they were asked to pay exorbitant bills though not as high as mine.