First anyone ever having the intention of going to Relaince WIMAX , please walk off the idea except under two conditions
1.If u have so much money and time to waste
- If u have lot of patience
These guys are real crooks, my story goes like this, I called a number that I found for RELIANCE WIMAX, and I called right away, there was this girl in the other side of the phone, very soothing and very gentle guranteed a connection in two days, briefed me with all the charges, happy time it was finally I thought my dream of getting a broadband in a remote palce(in bangalore) will be over.As airtel and BSNL have already said no connectivity there.
day1:- the guy comes promtly at the time gets the doucments and the cash(Rs.3000) pakka, leaves saying 2 days.
day3:- No resposne we try calling them they say it will take a week now !!! wow no one told me that before.
day4:- again the guy comes connection given says there is a fault and he is unsure wheather with the conenction or with the PC, says my Pc is old ..(do they think we are total nut heads) says an excuse to come and check it with laptop.
day5:- turns up still have the problem, says still he is unsure and says one more guy will come the next day and things will go on smooth --big time gurantees,
day6:-3 guys comes this time, naturally 3 is a sign of badluck I should have known.. but later tries says it wont work and says its better to go off the connection.
Here comes the turining point suddenly net starts to work all felt it was a happy ending
day7-day9- happy time with browsing and downlaoding
day10- net stops says authentication failed tried reaching the jokers(Customer care) said they dont ahve anydata with respect to the ID I gave-- what dont I ahve a identity for the money I paid, call this local guy who gave me connection, found he doesnt be inthe number which he gave, finaly rached hima and aasked says .my connection was under monitering, says things will be fine the next day.
day11:- calls up the guy- he says sorry connection wont come to your area so when can we come and remove the instruments, says my refund will be in 7 days
Do they think we are real fools
i call up the customer care they say refund will be in 60 days and there is no monitoring of conenction activity . and they like a broken record keep saying
"sorry we dont ahve your data here, we will put all your data to the higher departmetn, your problem will be resolved in 24 hours, we cant do anything here"
then why they have a customer care..?????????
now I am at stake who to believe and who not to and I am with bunch of names and numbers dont know they are real or not. and no proper resposne.
poeple think well before you can go for one and this item is not the one you should need any thinking, just say a good bye to your thought go for soem reliable guys .. even netcafe is better I sujjest.