Guys! I got this f*cking connection on 1st week of this month.
- on clicking the internet explorer we have to get a login page of reliance, for the first 3 hrs it is ok, but from the 4th hour started struggle. one lovely msg I used to get " unable to display the page".
2. after struggling for 2 or 3 hrs, once we get connected, but one should expect a very frequent disconnections.
- if you try to call customer support, they will say " all our support members are busy with some Fcking things, so we will get back to you soon. I dont know what these mother fckers are doing in the offices.There are some group of monkeys not knowing for what product they are answering. they simply tell hold on, and give u the complaint no., but the BIG question is what to do with that number?
4. For 4 days continiously I didnt have the net, but they dont care at all. Every time I call, they will tell that they are looking at it. What they are looking at, even for today I dont understand. Wimax from reliance is a big aSS-hole technology.
So my dear broths. if you really have the challenge to face this f*cked up thing, Reliance doors will always be open. So think twice in opting this kind of product, that too my advise to WAH people(work at home) please dont go for it, you have to go to office every day(same is the case with me too).