My id is 341589163764, and my name is Raybahadursinh champavat.
Reliance broadband service is very bed.
Im using Reliance Broadband services for my micro business. but, my service is not working since 10th December 2016, nad im calling continuously to call centre of reliance at Mumbai for solve my problem.
Reliance broadband service is very bed.
when I call there at that time customer service executive told me that "your problem will be solve within 24 hour, our technician visit your house and solve it.", but nobody come from reliance office(prahaladnager, ahmedabad) to my house, and still my net is not working.
Reliance broadband service is very bed.
Im talking with manager of call centre 4 to 5 on 180030007777 and his name is "mithun nule" & "shekh chand", even he were not solve my problem. then I tried to call at prahaladnager, ahmedabad office.
Reliance broadband service is very bed.
call to technician and also responsible person like "mandip sir" two time a week, im calling every week, but nobody solve my problem from there(prahaladnager office) At last I fond original problem is, Reliance is not pay rent to our society for setup "DP", not pay payment to our society chairman.
this are the following complain number with call center of Reliance broadband service:-
Complain number - date
252981238 - 22/12/2016
252981238 - 21/12/2016
252950851 - 22/12/2016
252905572 - 21/12/2016
253010005 - 23/12/2016
253048887 - 24/12/2016
253010005 - 30/12/2016
253269149 - 31/12/2016
253327621 - 2/1/2017
253377854 - 3/1/2017
253402110 - 5/1/2017
253377854 - 6/1/2017
253476246 - 9/1/2017
253522144 - 10/1/2017
253542858 - 11/1/2017
253725350 - 18/1/2017 Today Is 31st Jan, 2017, but still not solve problem by reliance technical person & commercial person
If you want evidence or proof call me on 9601490411