Dear Policy buyers,
Please keep away from this particular company. They are hand in glove with the doctors and reject policies for any lame reason.I have read all the reviews of the people who have been cheated by this company.
we have been paying the policy for 5 years . a huge fortune of 40 000 per year . My husband met with an accident and we were granted cashless when I had called. Just before the operation we get a call form religare saying that my policy has been rejected. I had no option but to go on with the operation. They have rejected our claim for a very stupid reason . It is very clear that the doctor who gave a negative statement has a share in this fraud . Religear has not given us or claim We have paid more than 2, 00, 000 lakhs of rupees to the company and they have refused our claim . I suggest that keep money aside for such emergencies than paying these companies .
When you make a call they keep you on hold for 30-45 minutes. . They keep saying sorry and talk sweetly and reject claims. The religear manager and the customer care people are paid well and get high bonus for all this work they do .
Internal people who work in the company have mentioned that the company does this on a regular basis and rejects claims. I can see more that 300 views and customers who are unhappy.
services - bad
customer care attitude - bad and selfish
premium too high .used by the company owners for selfish motives
claim settlement- bad
I also request somebody to guide me how to fight this case with the help of consumer court.