What is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you hear the word ?Remix? ? Remix is the re-make of a boring song by removing the dull parts and adding some funky beats in it. As a result, the same old boring song becomes a pleasurable experience for our ears.
And yes, that?s the concept of this television serial. They have re-mixed the boring school life and tried to make it trendy by adding a few colours in it. As a result the same old lackluster school, which can be sometimes as dull as Esha Deol?s face, becomes as rocking as the dance steps of Britney Spears!
The show is telecasted on Star One from Monday to Thursday at prime time (8 pm to 9 pm). Remix is extremely popular among the new generation and especially the young metro ladies (also known as the Fair and Lovely group).
If the show is named ?Remix? and has no traces of music, then it?s like Salman Khan not removing his shirt in the entire film. The show starts with a very hip-hop title song created by Pritam (Dhoom Fame) and delivered by Aasma pop band. The song is so engrossing that you can hear it all day. I?m listening to it for the past two hours continuously and still can listen more.
The story is set in a highly esteemed school ? Maurya High. The students studying there are children of rich and famous class. There are also a few students from a poor background who have got the admission through scholarship. The story revolves around the lives of these adolescents with problems of their own and it?s really interesting to see the way they deal with them and try to solve them. The show has also touched upon sensitive issues like inferiority complex among the teens and drugs in school. So it?s not only entertaining but in a way educational too.
Remix has four major characters who are the life of this show. They have nothing to do with each other directly but circumstances bring them together to form a musical band. The show won?t be as effective even if one of them is removed.
(a) Tia Ahuja - Daughter of a famous businessman Sumeet Ahuja (a widower), she is highly obsessed with her good looks. Her beauty is her most prized possession and her only worry in life is that there shouldn?t be any black spot on her moon-like face. Refers to herself in third person. You will often find her saying, ?Tia Ahuja Hona Koee Mamuli Baat Nahin?. She has an absolutely adorable way of saying please (it goes something like puhhhhleeeezzzeee). I don?t know why some viewers find it irritating. I find that really cute. Also the way she sometimes gets shocked and tries to faint is simply magnificent. She is the delicate darling of the show and my favourite among the four protagonists. If a movie is made on Remix her role should be given to Amrita Arora.
(b) Ranveer Sisodia - A scholarship student hailing from Rajasthan. The only reason he has joined Maurya high is because he wants to take revenge from Tia?s father Sumeet Ahuja. He blames him for his father?s death who committed suicide. He shows all the characteristics of a typical Rajput guy that one can find in Rajasthan. Like treating the girls with respect ? refers to them as ?Aap?. Calling some of his male friends ?Banna? (another Rajasthani term used to show respect). And also you can notice the hot aggressive blood of a Rajput if someone tries to mess around with him. If a movie is made on remix his role should be given to Bobby Deol.
(c) Yuvraj Dev - Known as Yuvi among friends, he is the son of a powerful politician. He simply hates his father and his father too never lets go of any chance of criticizing him. But then, his father is the one who helps Yuvi out whenever he puts himself in some trouble (which he does quite often). Music is his passion and playing the guitar helps him relieve his tensions. He can be easily recognized with his different hairstyle among the boys. If a movie is made on Remix his role should be given to Salman Khan.
(d) Anvesha Banerjee Ray - Known as Ashi among friends, she is the daughter of a famous and gorgeous actress. If you want to know what the word spoilt or rebel means then there is no need to look into the dictionary. Switch on to Remix and meet Ashi. You will see practical demonstrations of what those words means. She can?t take ?injustice? and is not afraid to fight with even the management. She is the only one who can tame the spoilt brat Yuvraj. You may find her mannerisms a bit annoying earlier but slowly you will get used to it and accept her as she is. The way she uses the word ?Duh-uh? to express the feeling of dumbness is quite refreshing. Although she is a spoilt girl but she is very good at heart. If a movie is made on Remix her role should be given to Sushmita Sen.
Supporting Actors
If the supporting cast isn?t good, the hard work of the main characters can be ruined, but thankfully the supporting cast of Remix is superb to say the least! Lets take a small intro of some of them.
Sumeet Ahuja and Sonia Ray - Sumeet Ahuja is Tia Ahuja?s father as I already mentioned earlier. He is a successful businessman and a widower. Sonia Ray is the prettiest lady in the whole show (yes she is prettier than Tia Ahuja). She is playing the role of Ashi?s mom and is an actress by profession. There are possibilities of a love affair between Sumeet & Sonia later. However, at present they can?t even tolerate the sight of one another.
Pri and Meher - Tia?s two best friends and in a way her devotees. Pri is slightly on the heavier side. Tia always tries her best to get her out of her inferiority complex. Meher is another interesting and shady character.
Nakul - There can?t be a dull moment when Nakul (refers himself as Na-Cool) is on the screen. Considers himself as the playboy of the school. Tries to be a real cool dude (as his name suggests). The way he walks (he doesn?t walks, he dances to move from one place to another) and the way he says Chill-axe (another word for ?Relax?) is very entertaining indeed. He is undoubtedly one of my favourite chracters in this serial. If a movie is made on Remix his role should be given to Akshay Kumar.
Aman and Vrinda - Aman is a Sikh guy who concealed his religion from his friends, since he didn?t want to be a laughing stock. He realizes his mistake later. Vrinda is one very sweet and sincere girl (not spoilt like others) who has a special liking for Aman.
MP - She is Ashi?s best friend and came from an orphanage. She is trying to adjust to her new school with a senior student trying to make life difficult for her.
Varun - He is an unconfident guy with a stammering problem. However, he is pretty good academically. Ashi has a soft corner for him.
Other than these the rest of the students, teachers and principal are doing a good job as well! I would have loved to tell you about them also, but due to the problem of word limit, that won?t be possible.
To conclude, just as my title says these students are not only ruling their school but viewers? hearts as well. All in all ? Remix rules!
© Tanmay Singh, 2005